MythBusters, Weight Loss

Does acupuncture works for Weight Loss?

Does acupuncture work for Weight Loss?

Do you like to have acupuncture? If so, it is good news for you, especially who have an overweight body. The acupuncture can work for losing your weight. Thus, if you want to maintain your health and reduce the fat in your body, you can take acupuncture for weight loss regularly.

Some of you may still not know about what acupuncture is. Well, acupuncture is a practice usually done by eastern people to maintain body health. It is also done to cure the health problem in the body. The practice is done using very thin needles. Why are thin needles? They are used to stimulate strategic points on the patients’ body. So, for you who never try acupuncture, it may look scared for you. However, it is actually painless. So, you can try it to rebalance your energy.

The fact of acupuncture for weight loss

When we talk about acupuncture for weight loss, it will be interesting to know the fact of it. You need to know how it can work for losing weight. In this opportunity, we want to share with you about the role of acupuncture for weight loss. So, just pay attention to the explanation below.

  1. Give your metabolism a boost: Firstly, the important thing of the acupuncture you can know is it can give a boost to your metabolism. It will help you regulate the digestion, hormones and insulin in your body. Thus, this condition will be good to help you lose your weight.
  2. Reduce inflammation.: The second role of acupuncture for your body is to be able to reduce the inflammation. It is proved by the small study done in 2015. At that time, there were 80 obese people that got three to six months of this acupuncture while consuming a diet of low calorie. From this case, they can get a weight loss after being studied. Also, the acupuncture is able to decrease the amount of inflammation in the body. Thus, it can be said that acupuncture can reduce the fat in the body, including obesity. In addition, there is another study about the acupuncture for obesity. But in this case, obese people are compared. They are divided into two groups. The first group get authentic acupuncture while the 9ther group received a sham treatment. The people in those two groups ate the same diet, that is low-calorie diet. Then, after 12 weeks, the study shows that both group experience weight loss. However, the group that got acupuncture showed improvements in certain inflammatory markers. In this case, it is clear that acupuncture can reduce inflammation.
  3. Tamp down the hunger: From the study, there is a fact shows that acupuncture will be able to tamp down your hunger. It is proved by the study in which there were 60 overweight people who used an acupuncture simulation device. They were reported to have a lower appetite and get weight loss after two weeks. It did not happen to the control group that they did not notice any likely effects. It can happen because of the release of serotonin. It is a mood-boosting chemical for reducing your appetite. When it happens, it will, of course, be easy for you to have weight loss in a month or even a week. In addition, there is another study found that acupuncture could reduce the levels of hunger hormone ghrelin although it was done in one week. However, this study that was published in BMJ Open Gastroenterology was small and just included ten people for the research. So, there need more research to make it fully understandable that acupuncture can impact the hunger hormones.
  4. Improve your mood: When you decide to have acupuncture, you may get the benefit of improving mood. It means that there will be a potential effect on the endorphins. So, there will be a possibility to have weight loss. Then, you need to know that acupuncture can stimulate the nervous system in your body. It happens to rise the release of endorphins to help reduce the appetite and increase the mood. When you feel happier, it can make emotionally-driven junk food less common that can cause weight loss in theory. Thus, we suggest you have acupuncture for weight loss you want.

From the four roles of acupuncture for the body above, we can take the conclusion that it will be a good supplement for your weight loss program. It is rational as patients can notice decreasing in appetite, increasing mood, and also reducing in stress. So, to have acupuncture regularly will help you so much in losing your weight.

Things that support losing weight effectively by acupuncture

While you do the weight loss program with acupuncture, there are somethings that support losing weight effectively by acupuncture. What are they? Here are some matters you should consider to support your program.

  1. Exercise regularly: Besides acupuncture, exercise will help so much in losing your weight. When you have any move, this condition will burn much fat in your body. It will lead to weight loss in a theory. So, support your program of weight loss by acupuncture with exercise.
  2. Focus on healthy eating habit: Besides exercise, you need to focus on the healthy food you eat in your everyday eating. It will be useful to help your program by acupuncture. When you get a healthy eating habit, of course, you will consume less fat to your body. This condition will make you easy to have weight loss by acupuncture.
  3. Get quality sleep: To get quality sleep is good to maintain your help. Also, it will be good to support the program of losing weight. When you sleep sufficiently, your body will be fresh and you may get a good mood in your day. So, it is good to do.
  4. Find some time to relax each day: When you need to get the good mood and reduce stress, what you can do is to have relaxation. Since good mood and less stress will help so much in losing weight, to find some time to relax each day is suggested for you.

Well, that is all we can share with you about acupuncture for weight loss. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you.

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